We Know They Exist . . .


A Hearing with a bipartisan committee in the House of Representatives
on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 may have gone unnoticed by most
Americans, were it not for an isolated reporting from a Chicago ABC
News affiliate station 7. (Video and transcript and credits link below)

UFO transparency at center of House of Representatives hearing . . .


Please Be Patient to Allow the UFO Discussion Video Story to Begin


Lawmakers examined unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs  in a unusual bipartisan hearing.

                                    Reported By Alexandra Hutzler ABC News7 Chicago, IL on Wednesday, July 26, 2023




We Know They Exist

The continued denials and non-reporting of facts that have been
surfacing from firsthand viewers, looking to the skies for decades,
will someday be recognized, that humans on earth know what they
are seeing is real.

From astronauts to countless military and commercial pilots, the
list of recordable events from credible witnesses, from sightings
and hush hush reporting, are actually denying the public that we
are in fact, not alone in our own universe.

Imagine if you will, celestial beings and another civilization, that
could be so much further advanced, that we could learn from, and
improve our existence here on earth.

There are those who feel it would be unethical or harmful to humans
on earth, to finally learn and realize we are not alone and it would
be better to disavow their existence. Just think, if we could expand
our own abilities to treat or resolve some of our mysteries in human
illnesses and other technologies that would greatly improve our own
lives and our way of life.

Our imagination we have had thus far, has only been shown in
books, and in movies describing alien life and their possible existence.

Our own technologies have caught glimpses that this alien life is
not only possible, but within our reach of finding out, we may be able
to communicate with them and learn a whole new realm of life itself.






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