Indiana Red Flag Law

A Gun Violence
Protection Law

READ: The Proceedings
for the Seizure and
Retention of a Firearm


Are you liable for
a crime that you thought would occur and then it did?


Indiana Red Flag Law

The Indiana Red Flag Law is becoming a common law adopted in other states that basically says, the police or a judge can determine a gun owner can have their guns temporarily removed from them, if they deem it a risk to themselves or others by having their guns available to them.

This law has the markings of a slippery slope to many who feel the law is a backdoor to abandoning the 2 amendment and the right to bear arms.



What Cause Gun Violence

While Wikipedia describes the red flag law as;

Quote: “A red flag law is a gun violence protection law that permits police or family members to petition a state court to order the temporary removal of firearms from a person who may present a danger to others or themselves. A judge makes the determination to issue the order based on statements and actions made by the gun owner in question. After a set time, the guns are returned to the person from whom they were seized unless another court hearing extends the period of confiscation.

Such orders are known as "Extreme Risk Protection Orders" (ERPO) in Oregon, Washington, Maryland and Vermont; as "Risk Protection Orders" in Florida; as "Gun Violence Restraining Orders" in California; as "risk warrants" in Connecticut; and as "Proceedings for the Seizure and Retention of a Firearm" in Indiana.” end quote.


In lieu of laws being drawn up without the public’s consent or laws enacted without a vote being cast in favor or against, the public is becoming alarmed by these instant passage laws that could set the stage for a full-on case where the judges, police, or the government could declare that all guns could be declared unsafe for the public to have in their possession.

The NRA has been split in their view of this law, in that on the surface and the interpretation of the wording of the law does explain a unique circumstance in which the law applies to a person who is temporarily unstable and should not have access to their guns, while they also see this as a doorway law to give away the 2nd amendment rights of an individual and his/her guns.


Gun Violence Today

Guns Don't Kill People
It Takes a Finger to
Make it Happen


Many more states are seriously considering implementing the Red Flag Law in their state in order to show good faith to their concerned citizens that at least some efforts are being made to be counterproductive to dealing with the unstable aspects of gun ownership.

One thing that should be undisputable and that is this, no gun has ever killed anyone, it takes a finger to make it work. Therefore, the real issue here is controlling and expecting control from the gun owners themselves. Something that has always bothered some people is the lack of safety with gun owners not keeping their firearms in a locked and out or reach location.

Whether it be a trigger lock, a gun safe, or storing guns and ammunition in different locations that would make it more of an obstacle to get to both and put the two together, are positive ways on making gun safety more evident with responsible gun owners.

Indiana Red Flag Law was adopted from the Jake Laird Case,

Different states have had occasions where they have encountered gun violence in different ways or locations, and they have found common ground to enact the Red Flag Law to better protect their communities.

Whether it is a bank robbery, a school shooting, a domestic assault case, if a person that has exhibited an unstable position or has made unusual comments on social media, in public, or over the phone, you should be proactive and report this person as someone who is acting unstable and that you know they are a gun owner. That should alert the authorities that a potential action could be unraveling in an unsafe manner.

We as the public, must remain vigilant in helping each other to protect the other persons who may come in contact with an unstable or extremely upset person who could escalate a situation and bring about harm to others.

Gun laws cannot be the ultimate solution to irresponsible gun ownership. Humans are flawed and the best hope we have of protecting ourselves is by protecting others as well. Anytime there is something out of the norm, and you witness it, report it and tell others around you for collaboration if there is a need for more input from different sources.




Can you report a
potential crime anonymously?

Is it against the law to know the potential of a crime and not report what you know about it?

What if a crime occurs that you feared would happen, should you explain this to the police?




It all depends on where you live in
the United States as to how the 2nd
 Amendment is honored and it will
pay you to know what to expect
regardless of who tells you it is
okay to travel there, New York
is a prime example of why to never
bring a gun into their state.

Need to know how to express
your 2nd Amendment Rights
to a City Council Meeting?

Don’t Think Gun Confiscation
in Illinois is a Realty?
How about a $1,000 per day
Fine for not Turning Them
in to Authorities . . . .

New Jersey Attempts Gun
Confiscation – a case of
Red Flag Law Gone Wrong

The videos above are a mere
cross section of the United States
and what to expect from these
different areas.

The main thing to take away from
all these videos is that the United
States and the 2nd Amendment
are being challenged in the biggest
wave since 1776!

Once the United States has been
stripped of it’s 2nd Amendment
 Rights, the United States will
ceased to be a country undivided,
help do your part to make sure
this does not happen.




Democrats are trying desperately to remove our guns
Being a responsible gun owner is what the 2 Amendment
says we as Americans are entitle to. That should never change.


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