How many ounces in a cup, a pound, a pint, a quart, a liter, a tablespoon, a shot


Cups to Fluid Ounces Conversion Chart Below Will Answer Most of Your Questions!

How Many Ounces in a Cup

The Chart Above Should Solve Most of Your Measurement Questions When it Comes to Recipes




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How to Know How Much
Ever since you were a young whippersnapper you remember
hearing your grandmother or aunt standing in the kitchen and
watching them bake a pie or fix that special dish you just love
to eat and eventually, you might have asked them just how
much of this or that they use in their recipe, right?

Well, the most common answer was probably; "Oh, just a
pinch of this and a smidgen of that
", does that sound

Yeah, you see those who have made our favorite dishes
over the years have done it so many times, they don't need
a recipe and that is why they tell us what they do, when we

Since, you want to know how many ounces in a cup, or how
many cups in a gallon, or how many milliliters in an ounce, we
have tried to answer some of those often asked questions.


Here's Some Quick References

How many ounces in a gallon =  128 Ounces
How many ounces in a half gallon =    64 Ounces
How many ounces in a pound =    16 Ounces
How many ounces in a cup =      8 Ounces
How many ounces in a quart =    32 Ounces
How many ounces in a liter =    33.814 Ounces
How many ounces in a pint =    16 Ounces
How many ounces in a tablespoon =    0.5 Ounces
How many ounces in a shot glass =    1.5 Ounces
How many ounces in a 750 ml =    25.3605 Ounces

How many ml in an ounce =

   29.5735 Milliliters


Thinking about Concrete?
Concrete is sold by the cubic yard.

One Cubic Yard of Concrete …

4" thick - covers 81 square feet
5" thick - covers 65 square feet
6" thick - covers 54 square feet
7" thick - covers 46 square feet
8" thick - covers 41 square feet
10" thick - covers 32 square feet
12" thick - covers 27 square feet

Here is an example: Let's calculate how much concrete
is needed for a 4-inch thick rectangular driveway,
50 feet long (length) and 20 feet wide (width).

The area of the driveway is 1,000 square feet
(50 feet x 20feet).

According to the table above, one cubic yard of
concrete placed at a thickness of 4-inches covers
81 square feet.

In a perfect universe, our 1,000 square foot driveway
will need exactly 12.35cubic yards of concrete
(1,000 square feet divided by 81 square feet equals
12.35 cubic yards). Always expect to allow for excess
and spillage as a factor in your total needed.







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