Real Newsworthy Information


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Think about it . . . ask better questions

How often do we wonder and ask questions, but seldom if ever, do we not ask
better questions? The answers we are often given don't exactly make sense and dependent on who it was we asked, we place too much faith in that source and
we simply accept it.

Here's a perfect example; Why have we never returned to the moon since
1969 - 1972?
and supposedly NASA lost all the documentation that was critical
to duplicating their efforts to return. Does that satisfy you as a good answer?

What About Alien Life?
We all know we are not alone in our universe, why do
they continue to deny it?

Try this one
: If we're so smart that we can design and create robotics w/cameras,
to work inside the human body, why are cancer and other diseases incurable?
Yet, every vaccine has always caused side-effects, yet no one, who has never
been vaccinated has contracted cancer? Look it up!  The Amish are one of the
healthiest people on the planet.





Let's go on
; Why does the U.S. insert ingredients into our food supply that is
often banned in other countries? hmmm

If Israel has one of the most sophisticated and impenetrable security perimeters
how is it that Hamas was able to find just the right spot, where the security was
turned off and no one was there to see them enter the heavily fortressed fencing?

Is the Federal Reserve and the IRS a part of the United States Government?
Why sure it is, NOT!

In Lahaina Maui, HI. When the fires ignited on 8/08/23 why was their water supply
turned off the day before the fires started? Glass and aluminum melted?
Most common forms of glass melt at temperatures between 1,400 to 1,600
degrees Celsius (2,552 to 2,912 degrees Fahrenheit).

In Sheperd,Texas, there was a fire at a chemical plant recently and no one was
injured thankfully, but the entire site was burned to a crisp? Got any questions?

If the U.S. has high tech destructive weapons that can direct a single laser beam
and emit heat, that can melt aluminum and glass, and no surrounding landscape
would even be burned, what would that say about suspicious events?

If there are positive medications that are available that are very inexpensive
that have been known to be more effective that chemo and radiation why aren't
they reported on in the news?

There are countless questions that have valid points, that go unanswered or
given run around answers, that fail to satisfy the masses for reasons that are
totally unacceptable.

We say that we live in a free and open society, but that is according to who?
So much of what we think is simply not true and we dare not question it for
fear of being targeted with a mishap. hmmm, free and open right?

Why have the Clinton's, Obama's, and the Biden's escaped any justice for
crimes committed, but the most favorite president in modern times is being
held accountable for over estimating the value of his properties?

Have you ever wondered why reporters won't ask the most pressing questions
to politicians, and if they do, watch the politicians avoid direct answers.
Aren't we a free and open society? Hmmm, not quite . . .

Are there thousands of mile of tunnels under the U.S.? Yes! Didn't someone
tell you that? Let's just see where they are . . .

Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine have been proven to greatly improve recent
virus outbreak results, but another multi-use supplement for humans, is a positive
improvement medication, that can be used with cancer patients, in a very
inexpensive drug known as Fenbendazole for humans >>>>>


       Please 'Watch This Video' and do more research before taking any actions
       without first consulting your physician. This information deserves a lot of study.







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 When it comes to hiding, misleading, and outright lying
about what the world has experienced since 2020 is
FAST becoming a truth revealed unlike anything in our
lives ever.

There are those who we have never imagined to be of this level of deviance and deception. High ranking
individuals who would actually implement a intentional
act of depopulating the world of people by this level of
unconscious delivery to innocent people around the

The non-believers have even come to the awareness
that something doesn't add up, that we have all been
lied to and there are these type of people in responsible positions who would do this.

Justice is due and the timing should be fast and direct
to those directly involved.





Conspiracy Theories or Not?

Just look at some recent historical events that could have been manipulated to safeguard The D/S interests. If you don’t think
the rich and very powerful are not without reproach, you really are living with your head in the sand.

Consider the Titanic’s catastrophic sinking, it is claimed to be a well-orchestrated bombing to eliminate three influential bankers opposing the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank (a personally owned business not a part of the U.S. Government).

President John F. Kennedy’s demise may have been a political ploy to foil his plans of transforming the banking system to a
public one, not controlled by the cabal, thereby removing all debt.

The collapse of the Twin Towers supposedly happened on the day when many truths were to be revealed, and the GESARA
NESARA Human Equality Act was to be announced. Have you ever seen buildings set to ‘ implode on themselves ’ and they
fall straight down into themselves without toppling onto other buildings? Huh imagine that.

What exactly is GESARA and NESARA?

What Executive Order was made in 2018?

The last US election, according to some theories, was rigged to prevent Donald Trump from winning. The reason, his potential to eliminate the Federal Reserve, during his presidency. Do you have any idea how powerful they are and what they are willing to do
with a two tiered justice system to prevent this from happening?

Reflecting on these above conspiracy theories, can you envision multiple attempts, to prevent a common goal from actually
happening? And what ‘they’ have implemented to assure it doesn’t. Just be open minded, to the possibilities conspiracies could
become confirmations.

The freedom of speech is highly in jeopardy just merely suggesting you think of these comments made.


Ask Your Doctor about Terbinafine
Learn the benefits and precautions

I wanted to share with my viewers a firsthand experience, that I have had
with dreaded finger and toenail fungus for over 3 decades, and how I finally
found the absolute best treatment for both my fingernails and toenails.

I tried ever imaginable topical treatment on earth and some helped, most
didn't, and what ultimately WORKED! was treating the fungus from inside
my body. You see, nail fungus is actually in your blood stream, and that is
what makes it virtually impossible to get rid of externally.

I am not here to sell you anything, but ask your Doctor about Terbinafine.
It's a 250mg tablet you can take once a day, instead of putting an ointment
on your nails 3 times a day for at least a year, who can actually do that? I
saw AMAZING Results in 90 days!

'Plausible deniability' is the ability of people, typically senior officials
in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or
responsibility for actions committed by or on behalf of members of their
organizational hierarchy.

 As you have ascertained by now, critical thinking is the main theme of this page, and intended for entertainment purposes only. It is stressed that
 you do your own personal research, into any and all content of this page. Learning is within each one of us and how we apply our knowledge, is done
 so, with our personal abilities, based on our sought after information and our critical thinking. We are not as free as we are led to believe and to
 simply question that thought, could find you with an abrupt extended education depending on where you repeat that statement. To delve deeper into
 a profound level of what is happening in our world, that you won't find on your television, you may find it interesting to view this video in it's entirety.


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